CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a specialised skin treatment that lifts dead layers of skin as well as stimulates the growth of new collagen.

Fractional therapy describes a treatment that affects only a fraction or small percentage of the skin. This fractional treatment selectively removes columns of tissue leaving surrounding skin intact.

Laser resurfacing is ideal for the treatment of:

  • Sun Damaged Skin

  • Wrinkles

  • Acne scarring

  • Poor skin texture

  • Large pores

  • Unwanted scars

  • Skin blemishes such as age spots  

During the procedure, the laser uses light and heat to create tiny holes deep in the skin. The process gives your skin a ‘peel’ in addition stimulates the growth of new collagen. This plumps the skin from below, repairing photo damage and other skin imperfections.

Many patients see improvement 4 weeks after the treatment. Results are visible in three months continue to improve over 12 months and last many years. Three treatments spaced at least 8 weeks apart give the best results.



Am I a suitable candidate for Co2 laser treatment? 

Co2 fractional laser resurfacing is suitable for those who want to:

  • Improve skin texture.

  • Reduce wrinkles  

  • Improve acne scars  

  • Reduce skin pigmentation caused by sun exposure.

  • Maximise collagen and elastin production


Breast feeding and pregnancy. Roaccutane within three months

Darker skin types need less intense treatments and special pre-treatment and post-treatment care as they have a higher risk of brown scarring (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation)

Before your laser

Your doctor may prescribe medical grade retinoids or a lightening ream to reduce the chances of post-inflammatory pigmentation. Wear SPF 30+ daily.

We also prescribe anti-viral medications to prevent cold sores. Other medications we may prescribe are prednisolone to reduce swelling.

What should I expect during the treatment? 

We have a few options for anaesthesia depending on the area and the intensity of the treatment.

We use numbing cream, a refrigerated air blower, Entonox (laughing gas) and prescription medication. We also perform regional nerve blocks which provide excellent anaesthesia of the forehead and around the mouth.

If you are having treatment around the eyes and eyelids, we must insert laser shields into the eye (like contact lenses). If you wear contact lenses, these must be removed prior. The shields remain in for 5-10 minutes while we treat the eyes and are then removed before the remainder of the treatment is performed.

What happens after Co2 laser?

The treated areas appear red and swollen after the treatment, and the small columns of the laser can be seen on the face in a grid-like pattern of dots. There is often pin point bleeding and oozing of fluid for deeper treatments.

The treated areas also feel quite hot after the procedure but there is no pain. We offer you a Zimmer cooler, a machine which blows cold air through a hose that can be directed at the areas to be treated.

Recovery takes from 5 to 14 days approximately depending on the level of energy used.  Off-face areas usually take longer to heal than the face, and only fractional treatments at lower settings can be used for these areas.

There is a period where the skin appears quite red. Usually, this subsides within 1 week in lower energy level treatments but may take up to three months to fade for more aggressive treatments.

Swelling of the face/eyes may occur for a few days. Sleeping on a 45-degree angle or greater can help to reduce this. There may be a acne-like break out (small white pustules) on the face after 3 days as the skin regenerates. The skin may scab, peel and flake and this occurs over one week.

On average 7-10 days at home are required to recover from the high-level treatments.

Make-up can be applied at around day 5 as the skin has stopped flaking but is still very red.

Home care is very simple and involves regular washing with vinegar soaks and application of moisturiser. Full care sheets are given at time of booking.

What are the risks and side effects of Co2 laser? 

There are a few risks and side effects associated with Co2 fractional laser. These include:

  • Milia – small white bumps that occur in the healing phase after Co2 laser. These can be easily removed by cleansing with a face cloth or by notifying us and we will use a small needle to release the trapped oil.

  • Acne – it is possible for acne to occur after laser resurfacing.

  • Hyperpigmentation (brown pigmentation)

  • Cold sores – taking antiviral medication prior the treatment and continuing for 7 to 10 days after treatment can help prevent this

  • Bacterial infections (rare)

  • Scarring – this may occur following the treatment but is quite rare.

  • Grid pattern from laser bean may be visible with magnification. This settles with time but is easily fixed by a light level laser over affected areas to blend the grid.

Is Co2 laser resurfacing painful?

The pain is minimal, with a sensation like pricking. However, the treatment involves anaesthesia to the treatment area, so the face would be numb, ensuring a relatively painless procedure.

How many treatments of Co2 laser do I need?

This will depend on your skin concerns, including the extent of your wrinkles, scarring or sun damage. It will also depend on how much downtime you are after. Generally, one treatment of Co2 fractional laser is enough to achieve long term results.  

What are the alternatives of laser resurfacing?

Multiple low-level treatments of simple treatments (e.g. non-ablative laser, Dermapen) will never replicate the results of one session of laser resurfacing as it is the most powerful skin treatments for texture and collagen growth. However, other very good treatments may include:

Frax 1550

-treats deep acne scars, pores and collagen but does not help with any superficial lines or pigmentation

Genius RF Micro needling

-       Deeper collagen and elastin production, safe for darker skin types, can be done close to eyelids (under eye tightening) and delicate neck area, no downtime, does not help with pigmentation or superficial lines and texture, can be used in deep mode to target fatty layer around jowls and chin. Great for atrophic acne scars.

Cool Peel Laser with CO2 laser

New technology that can turn the CO2 laser into a low-heat (and low downtime) laser treatment that gives a peel and some laser skin tightening.