emsella chair


Revolutionary Treatment for Urinary Incontinence In Townsville

What is urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence, also known as bladder leakage, is a medical condition that affects approximately 40% of women and 11% of men. As we age, these figures increase along with the severity of incontinence.

Urinary incontinence can be divided into three main types  – stress, urge and overflow incontinence. Patients may experience one type of incontinence or mixed incontinence. Traditionally, urinary incontinence has been treated using a program of Kegel exercises, surgery or drugs, until now.


1.      Urge urinary incontinence - a sudden and often intense urge to urinate, followed by involuntary urine leakage. It can restrict daily activities due to frequently needing to go to the toilet, sometimes as often as every half hour or so. Patients usually always need to know where a toilet is when out, causing stress and anxiety. Urge incontinence commonly disrupts sleep due to the need to frequently wake and urinate during the night.


2.      Stress urinary incontinence - also called light bladder leakage or bladder leakage. Activities like exercising, coughing, laughing etc can lead to an involuntary leaking of urine. Stress urinary incontinence occurs when uncontrolled urine leaks when pressure is put on the bladder, simply by sitting, or through more active pursuits such as jumping or exercising, or by laughing, coughing or sneezing. Involuntary loss of bladder control can be the cause of embarrassment, leading to the restriction or avoidance of enjoyable activities that could cause leakage.


3.      Overflow incontinence - Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder does not empty completely, leading to uncontrolled dribbling of urine.  

The Emsella Chair – Say No To Incontinence

The Emsella Chair is the only FDA and TGA approved non-invasive medical device in Australia. Before this revolutionary non-surgical device, the options available were medication, daily Kegel exercises or invasive surgery.

Emsella uses electromagnetic waves, focused on the pelvis, giving over 11,000 contractions in 28 minutes while sitting in the chair. This strengthens the entire pelvic floor, which can lead to improved bladder control and bladder leakage issues associated with urinary incontinence.

Benefits of treating urinary incontinence at Northern Skin Studio

·         FDA approved and TGA cleared medical device for the treatment of urinary incontinence

·         Treats the entire pelvic floor

·         Patients remain fully clothed

·         No discomfort

·         Delivers over 11,000 of pelvic contractions in a 28 minute session

·         No downtime or recovery after treatment



Frequently Asked Questions


How is this different from Kegel exercises or pelvic floor exercises?

The Emsella chair gives over 11,000 “supramaximal contractions” which are similar to Kegel/ pelvic floor contractions, but much stronger, strengthening and tightening the entire pelvic floor.


Are there any side effects from Emsella?

There are no reported side effects from Emsella treatment.


Is it uncomfortable sitting in the chair?

Sitting in the Emsella chair is a comfortable experience, there is no pain or discomfort and you remain clothed throughout the treatment.


What does it feel like during treatment?

During treatment, your entire pelvic floor area will tighten and contract up to 12,000 times. This can feel intense at first but not painful.


How do I know if Emsella is right for me?

If you suffer from bladder control or bladder frequency issues or you are currently taking medication for urinary incontinence, it is worth booking a free consultation with our experienced team. During your consultation we can discuss your concerns, expectations and cost of treatment.


How long does treatment take?

Each treatment takes half an hour and a standard treatment would be two Emsella sessions per week for three weeks.


When will I see an improvement?

Everyone is different, however some people see an improvement from their very first treatment, while other patients see an improvement over the three weeks of treatment sessions and beyond.