
EMSCULPT is the only body contouring procedure on the market that burns fat and builds muscle at the same time, in a comfortable, non-invasive procedure.

How does EMSCULPT build muscle AND eliminate fat?

EMSCULPT technology uses HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetics) to create muscle contractions that are far greater than typical voluntary contractions experienced during exercise such as an abdominal crunch or sit-up.

During each 30 minute EMSCULPT session, you will receive up to 20,000 supra-maximal muscle contractions. A maximal contraction is the strongest voluntary contraction you can do. A supra-maximal contraction is far more intense than you could do voluntarily. What does this mean? Take treating your abdominal area with EMSCULPT as an example, the equivalent of doing 20,000 crunches in 30 minutes. BUT, the difference between a regular ab crunch and a supra-maximal contraction is an EMSCULPT supra-maximal contraction far more intense. These supra-maximal contractions create an extreme environment beneath the skin that can effectively reduce fat cells while building muscle mass.


During treatment, EMSCULPT paddles will be gently applied to the area to be treated, delivering the electromagnetic energy that stimulates deep tissue muscle contractions that are far more effective than typical voluntary contractions achieved in a workout. The contractions build muscle and over time, muscle mass as they “squeeze out” and reduce fat cells.


EMSCULPT put to the test


EMSCULPT by BTL Aesthetics was recently put to the test in five unique abdominal clinical studies. These studies measured results using four methods of evaluation including MRI, CT scan and Ultrasound to measure the change. The results for muscle gain and fat loss:


  • 19% reduction in subcutaneous abdominal fat

  • 16% increase in muscle mass

  • Average waist reduction of 4.4cm

    (Studies available on request)


Further independent studies have recently been carried out by Dr. Bruce Katz and Dr. Richard Goldfarb showing a:


  • 27.4% decrease in subcutaneous fat at 6-month follow-up

  • 7.73mm reduction in the fat layer

  • 19% increase in muscle thickness

  • 10.46% reduction of diastasis recti


*Please note results may vary from patient to patient.


The Benefits of EMSCULPT


EMSCULPT treatment & recovery

The first step with us is to book a free consultation to have your body concerns and suitability for treatment evaluated. There is no discomfort during the treatment. The sensation is similar to that you would feel doing an exercise (ab crunch or squat).


The recommended treatment is a total of four 30 minute EMSCULPT sessions with 2-3 days in between each treatment (12 day treatment protocol). While there is no recovery period, you may feel muscle soreness similar to as you would after an intensive workout.


While results will vary with each patient, some will see results after the third treatment with most seeing results after the final treatment.


Am I suitable for EMSCULPT treatment?

For the best results, EMSCULPT is suitable for people who are in or close to their ideal BMI range. It is most effective for removing unwanted stubborn areas of fat like the 2-3 centimetres of unwanted fat on your abdomen or butt. Best results are seen from people who are already physically fit and eat a healthy diet.



Frequently asked questions


How many treatments will I need?

Four treatments, duration of 30 minutes each, over a two week period, usually 2-3 days between sessions will give you optimal results.


When will I see results?

While results will vary from patient to patient, some see results after the third session, most see results after the fourth session. Results will continue to improve up to 6 months post treatment.


What does FDA approval mean?

The FDA is the US Food & Drug Administration. It is similar to the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) in Australia. The reason it is significant is because for a device to be “FDA approved or FDA cleared” FDA experts will review clinical studies and manufacturer’s information to establish the safety and effectiveness of the device. EMSCULPT is FDA cleared for the strengthening, toning and firming of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.