Dry Eye Treatment

IPL is a simple non-invasive treatment for dry eyes.

What makes IPL effective in treating dry eyes?

One of the most common causes of chronic dry eyes is lowered eye lubrication from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. This can lead to problems wth burning, redness, watering, light sensitivity, itching and blurred vision.

The benefits of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) for evaporative dry eye were discovered accidentally. In 2002 an American ophthalmologist noticed patients receiving IPL for rosacea of their face reported improvement in their dry eye symptoms. The IPL reduced the inflammation, bacterial loading, abnormal blood vessels and caused softening of the solidified oils in the Meibomian glands.

The cycle of chronic inflammation is disrupted and these benefit may last 3-24 months.

protocol for dry eye treatment

Dry Eye Treatment is performed at the clinic by our dermal therapists as they are very experienced as whole face IPL. The dry eye treatment involves treating the midface/cheek/under-eye area.

The eyes are protected with appropriate goggles and then an ultrasound gel is applied to the treatment area. The device delivers pulses of light of specific wavelengths across the face.

Most patients will require maintenance treatments the keep their Dry Eye Disease at bay.


Dry Eye Treatment Packages cost $800 for a series of four sessions. The first two sessions are performed 2 weeks apart followed by 2 sessions one month apart. One-off treatments and top-ups are $200.