jaw slimming


Jawline reduction uses injections in a specialised way to relax and selectively weaken this over-active muscle.

Most patients who have enlarged jaw muscles (master muscles) also have a condition known as Bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding). which can lead to:

  • pain in the jaw, ear, headaches

  • damage to the TMJ (jaw joint)

  • damage to the teeth with subsequent need for extensive dental work

  • unbalanced facial structure with bulking temple and jaw muscles

  • poor sleep

our approach

If your facial proportions would be improved with jaw or temple injections, and you have no symptoms, then jawline slimming may be beneficial.

Will jawline injections create any problems?

Patients need to be carefully assessed because slimming the jaw muscles can sometimes lead to other concerns. Older patients with looser skin and age-related volume loss may not be ideal candidates or need more conservative treatment. Experienced injectors are trained to assess for this possibility.

In addition, the temple muscles (temporals) can also cause all the problems as jaw muscles and may need to be treated in addition to the jaw muscles.

clenching may be a sign of breathing problems

We have seen a steep increase in the number of our patient (young and old) that have problems with clenching and grinding at night with associated sleep trouble. Issues we look out for:

  • snoring and obstruction at night (sleep apnoea)

  • mouth breathing (chronic dry lips, blocked upper airways)

When our patients that have any of these issues we encourage and ENT referral, sleep studies, breathing retraining and dental review for teeth assessment with a mouth guard.